Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is an improved security measure that requires two forms of identification: your password and a generated security code. With 2FA enabled, an application on your smartphone will provide you with a code that you must enter with your password to log in. Without your smartphone, you cannot log in.
The Two-Factor Authentication menu can be found in the cPanel. Go to the Security section, then click on Two-Factor Authentication:
Go to the Two-Factor Authentication menu and click on the Set Up Two-Factor Authentication button:
To configure 2FA, you should link your cPanel account and your 2FA app. cPanel supports the following 2FA apps:
- Google Authenticator for Android, iOS, BlackBerry OS, and Windows Phone
- Duo MMobile: for Android and iOS
- Microsoft Authenticator – for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone
There are 2 ways to connect the app:
- Automatically create the link by scanning the displayed QR code with your app
- Manually create the link by entering the provided Account and Key information in your app
Google Authenticator
If you proceed with the Google Authenticator app, you will see the following start page. Choose Begin to further set up the app:
In case you already have a key added, you will need to press on the “+” button to add a new key:
You can add an account by Scanning a barcode or Entering a provided key:
In case the Scan a barcode option is chosen, the camera app will open, and you will need to place the QR code from the cPanel within the red lines displayed.
It is also possible to use the Enter a provided key option. You will be prompted to the next page where you will need to enter the following details previously specified in the cPanel:
- Account name
- Your key
The key can be either time-based or counter-based. With the time-based option, the 2FA app generates a new six-digit security code for your cPanel account every 30 seconds. With the counter-based key, you tap a button, which then asks for the next number.
After the key is added to the Google Authenticator app, you may proceed with further configurations.
Duo Mobile
If you choose the Get Started option, you will be redirected to the next window to scan an activation barcode. After the QA code is scanned, you can modify the name of the entry, its icon, and the type:
Microsoft Authenticator
Logging into the cPanel
Reconfiguring or Removing 2FA
There are also options to reconfigure or remove the 2FA:
2FA Activation for Webmail
You can enable Two-Factor Authentication for Webmail. To do it, the following steps should be performed:
- Log in to Webmail either through the cPanel or the Webmail login portal.
- From the Webmail management screen, access Two-Factor Authentication
3. Follow the provided instructions to set up Two-Factor Authentication.
With these steps, you can efficiently add Two-Factor Authentication on your cPanel. Happy hosting! 🌟
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